Mais três certificados para meu curriculum :)


Vim compartilhar boas notícias! :)

Recebi hoje meus três certificados do exame TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) e... tirei nota máxima em todas as provas!
Para entender melhor o que isso quer dizer:

Module 1: Language systems and background to language learning and teaching
The candidate demonstrates comprehensive and accurate knowledge of all areas on the TKT Module 1 syllabus, i.e., language systems and background to language learning and teaching. He/she shows familiarity with the full range of concepts, terminology, practices and processes tested in TKT Module 1, which relate to describing language and language skills, factors in the language learning process and the range of methods, tasks and activities available to the language teacher. The candidate is able to relate existing knowledge to both familiar and unfamiliar classroom situations.

Module 2: Lesson planning and use of resources
The candidate demonstrates comprehensive and extensive knowledge of all areas on the TKT Module 2 syllabus, i.e., lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching. He/she shows familiarity with the full range of concepts, terminology, practices and processes tested in TKT Module 2, which relate to general practice in lesson planning and materials use, reasons for carrying out particular activities in the classroom, and for using particular resources and materials. The candidate is able to relate existing knowledge to both familiar and unfamiliar classroom situations.

Module 3: Managing the teaching and learning process
The candidate demonstrates comprehensive and extensive knowledge of all areas on the TKT Module 3 syllabus, i.e., managing the teaching and learning process. He/she shows familiarity with the full range of concepts, terminology, practices and processes tested in TKT Module 3, which relate to teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom and options available for classroom management in order to promote learning. The candidate is able to relate existing knowledge to both familiar and unfamiliar classroom situations.

Aqui está um deles, para vocês verem como ele é:

Ah, não custa nada relembrar: uma das minhas especialidades é a preparação para exames de certificação em inglês. Se este for seu interesse, desenharemos o curso para que você também tenha essa alegria de receber um resultado positivo em uma prova internacional.

Um abraço!


Quadro Utile disse…
olá vou fazer o tkt e gostaria de saber se existe exercicios de preparação para este exame ou alguns livros adicionais para o estudo.
um abraço sónia
Kátia Jucá disse…
Parabéns Jamila!!! Bjos
thaisa disse…
Congrats Jamila,

Sonho um dia poder fazer também o TKT=D
e estou adorando o seu blog!

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